Essential oils 

Aromatherapy for your everyday moments

For years, our ancestors have used the natural world around them, harnessing the power of plants to care for themselves.
Essential oils are a modern day version of this past time. 

Harnessed from the plants, flower, bark and resin they have an uncanny ability to connect us with nature and nourish our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Allow your everyday moments to become a luxury with our range of essential oil perfume rollers, diffuser blends and aromatic rooms sprays.

Shop by Need

Calm Collection

You feel overwhelmed, anxious, run down and need some help.  Find rituals to help you find calm, destress and relax.

Young woman with long blonde hair holding up a bottle of ELisara skincare staring at the camera.

Sleep & Fatigue

Find the tools you need to regain your rituals and habits to help you feel rested, refreshed and ready for your busy day.


The never ending list is getting longer and you are needing some help! Find focus, motivation and energy here.